Fall Sale!
Open Water scuba Certification
Don't miss out on our fall sale for open water scuba certifications! Get certified today for only $349! Normally priced at $379. Call or text for more info! (850) YO-SCUBA
Operating in the Pensacola Area, we offer Courses from Open Water Scuba Instruction all the way to Instructor! We sell top quality scuba equipment, and can help you find exactly what kind of gear you're looking for. Or, if you're already certified and you just need your tanks filled, we are happy to fill them! Our staff has been working in the scuba industry for decades! Let us introduce you to the underwater world, or help continue your journey!
Always Wanted to Breathe Underwater? What Are You Waiting For?
Have you always wanted to explore the underwater world? Is Scuba Diving on your bucket list? Are you planning to go diving on an upcoming vacation? Why wait? Enroll in one of our Open Water Scuba Certification courses and experience something that will change your life for the better!
looking for
Top Quality Gear?
Looking for everything in yellow, or pink maybe? Perhaps something a bit more subtle? We offer several High-End Brands including Mares and Seac!

“The Sea, Once it Casts its Spell, Holds one in its Net of Wonder Forever”
-Jacques-Yves Cousteau